mask up.

who would've thought that we's still be here? 


I thought that writing this, I would have become a Covid-19/omicron survivor. 

I don't know whether it was the booster shot that I took 10 days prior having a close contact, 

or was it just pure and utter luck. 

Still, I spent the next 3 weeks not stepping an inch out of my house. 

In all honesty,

I'm at this stage where I'm clinging to this domestic life, 

Not just to protect myself and loved ones from the virus, 

but I find myself loving this work-from-home situation;

it also conveniently provides me excuses for not wanting to socialize. 

This is to otherwise say: my social skill has spiraled downwards, almost burnt to the ground.

I know

It's not the healthiest. 

I compensate by filling my cup in every other way. 

I've been better at exercising consistently, I read more, and watch lots more movies and 'jump' into different stories, 

I cook and bake more. 

But for selfish reasons, 

I dread the day the pandemic is declared over over

I don't want to go without my mask, to crowds, where acquaintances might more easily recognize me.

I don't want to sit over awkward lunch/dinner,
pretending to laugh over something not particularly well-versed,
- which is unavoidable, I think, no matter how I set the boundary in the days to come.

And my biggest fear of all: the day when I have to give a presentation in front of clients, in person. 

I ace online presentations so far. Lol! The nerves are controllable at home. 

Out there? I don't know. 


this post has turned into a fear-based confession. 

I've been lucky to not  have lost anything during these 2-year stretch. 

so my anxiety and fear is pretty uncalled for. 

But the world's changed so much;

even when it was so hard adjusting in the beginning,

the time has shaped me so much that this becomes my new normal, 

my new comfort zone. 

While I really don't want to miss out on life,

I think I would love some time to transition to the next phase:

The one where we're all once again unmasked.


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