
I saw a lady in the bus one day. 

She was standing next to me, and I was seated. 

She was holding on to the chair in front of me, 

and I noticed that she had something in her hand. 

At first it looked like a counter - that our ushers at Church usually use to count how many people were present.  But then, a few seconds later, I realized what that was: it was a digital prayer bead. 

It looked something like this: 

I was so touched. 

The situation wasn't ideal. The bus was rather packed. 

Every few seconds, as the bus swayed and people got off or got in, 

she would have to fidget and adjust. 

She would have to hold on tight to the chair, to her things. 

But all the while, all she focused on was prayer. 

I imagined, she knew how much time she had to herself that day. 

Maybe the work had been hectic, and the to-do list waiting at home would have been long. 

Maybe it was just the 30 minutes on this bus ride. 

So, instead of using this time to switch off,

she used this precious time to pray. 

 She used her time wisely,

and she knew her priority,

and she didn't let anything get in her way. 

I loved that. 

I followed her example and lifted up a few prayers myself (before switching back to my podcast - teheee). 

Out of our days with huge chunks of to-do list, 

we have these smaller pockets of time. 

What do we do with it? 

Do we fill it with precious things? 

Do we fill it intentionally with things that matter to us,

whether it is to pray, to rest, to exercise, to re-connect?  

I guess that quote from 'The Bear' has something to say. 

"Every Second Counts". 


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