
 It sounds so cool. "Take that leap of faith."

How motivational. Five words to lit you aflame.


And you start running towards that that point, 

And your heart starts beating faster and faster,

And you feel the wind on your hair as if it's powering your sails.

You're all fired up. I can do this. 

Until you get to the lip of the cliff, just in time to jump,

and you're at the edge, looking down at how far you could crash if you don't land right.


Your feet start to feel heavy,

and your breath heaving. 

'I can't.'

The questions, doubts, fear, 

floods you at the same time. 

But you're so close, 

all you need to do is jump. 

So you take the leap. Both feet. 

Landing in a strange new ground,

where bewildering encounters are all around. 

The oxygen feels thin because you're not used to the height yet. 

You made it. 

Oh, but you're anything but done. 

Another the journey is set to begin. 

Let's just keep that for another day. 


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